Monday, July 27, 2009

What can a person use to keep squirel out of flower bed?

I have used moth balls, human hair no result. It is my new flower bed I planted last fall.

What can a person use to keep squirel out of flower bed?

Blood meal, sulfur, Cayenne pepper, mothballs

All work but have to be refreshed often.

What can a person use to keep squirel out of flower bed?

My dad used this stuff called, Blood Meal. It worked to keep bunnys out of our garden, maybe it'll help you.

What can a person use to keep squirel out of flower bed?

Cat fur. If you know anyone that has a cat that frequently brushes it, get them to put the fur from the brush into a bag and keep it coming. Cats have a stronger scent than a human, and it'll make the squirrels think twice before going in.

What can a person use to keep squirel out of flower bed?

get a man to pee in it late at night

What can a person use to keep squirel out of flower bed?

give the squirrel adecent bed elsewhere....

if he does not accept the offer, put up a sign (NO SQUIRREL SEASON)....

In case squirel cant read decent, offer evening linguistic classes

if he does not attend for the above classes because he is in a person's flowerbed, go out, withdraw money from your bank account, travel to afghanistan, meet up with some dodgy characters and buy a bazooka...worked for me and my squirrel....

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