Saturday, August 1, 2009

Can Tapeworms be found in hair?

Can tapeworms be found in human hair on head?

Can Tapeworms be found in hair?

Tapeworms are found in the gut. They live in the intestines and feast on everything you eat. That's why people say that a skinny person with a huge appetite "has a tapeworm", because they eat and eat and never get fat because the tapeworm is eating everything.

Can Tapeworms be found in hair?

hair- no, worms are suppose to be under the skin.

If you hair/head is iching, you probably have lice.

Can Tapeworms be found in hair?

No, tapeworms are an intestinal parasite. They attach to their host internally, not externally. I wonder if you may be thinking of ringworm.

Can Tapeworms be found in hair?

Nope.. maybe in puic hair, etc anything below the belt where pieces of them come out, but other then that unless one falls off of an animal, or yourself, if you have it, and you happen to lay on the spot it fell then chances of you finding tapeworm anywhere on any other part of your body are slim. You have to injest a flea that has been contaminated, or a piece of a tape worm for you to get it, or even some under cooked meat can contain it..

Can Tapeworms be found in hair?

some morgellons patients have had them but morgellons isn't treated by doctors and going to a close minded physician can be dangerous with this condition they refear you to shrinks that later do not help you and leave you miserable. Email me I over came it but only after my son was taken due to the countless doctors opinions Go to the other thousands of sights are just hoopla

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